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Hey guys! I know I've been absent for two weeks (which was completely unintentional, btw), and because of current events, I'm going to have to...

...change my schedule. *dun dun dun*

First things first, I will only be posting twice in May. Because of my heavy workload, I currently need to focus on school, but hopefully I'll be back to my normal pace starting in June.

Second, I will be changing my posting schedule from every Tuesday to every Friday or Thursday. Tuesday is my youth group night, and I've been kind of foolish thinking I can squeeze in a post between school, exercise, and church. Hopefully with this new schedule I will be more punctual in my posting! (Which you guys will probably appreciate.) ;)

I've also been trying to keep up with everyone's blogs, but am sort of failing. But here are some of my favorite posts from what I've been able to read over the past few weeks. I haven't had time to comment on every single one of them, which upsets me a bit because they are all pretty amazing and inspiring!

Ivie's post, Open Letter to You, was very touching because I go through this same thought process on and off and that's kind of why I disappear from the Internet sporadically. Thank you, Ivie, for sharing your thoughts because I could really connect with you in that moment and hearing what you said helped me realize what I want to do with my writing. :)

Abigayle Claire's post, Writing About Hardship from Inexperience, was also informative and insightful. I loved how she put everything so simply and straightforward. Recently I've been puzzling over what makes me qualified to write hardship, and this post put everything in perspective. Thank you, Abigayle!

And lastly, Madi Grace has had a whole slew of super-cool-helpful-pure-LOL posts that I've been enjoying immensely. She always says everything like it is and that's just refreshing in a world where people are always trying to skirt around the edges of basically everything. Thanks, Madi! Your posts are always so encouraging and awesome.

Aside from that, I don't think there's anything else? If there is, I will come back and add it here. For now, I will see you guys on May 10th!



  1. I feel so honored that you mentioned my post. <3

    I look forward to seeing what these changes bring in your blog. I know how crazy life can get, so don't worry about it. It will all work out. Your posts are AMAZING, so just keep doing what you're doing. <3 <3


    1. You're welcome! I really did love it, and it's been at the top of my head for a while now. :)

      Thank you for the encouragement! <3 I'll try not to worry. ;)


Feel free to rant, fangirl, flail, squeal, etc. and I'll get back to you with just as much enthusiasm! I always reply, so check back often. Please keep your language cuss-free and no taking the Lord's name in vain. Thanks for stopping by! :)
