Chat-time: Writing Music and Story-Telling


Good afternoon, guys! Today’s post is going to be short and snappy, and I wish I could have had something longer ready, but that wasn’t going to happen, unfortunately. I'm still getting the hang of balancing homework deadlines with everything else, and currently blogging is something on the bottom half of the priorities list (which is small, I promise you). :P

So let's discuss writing music! *jazzy hands*

I know that some of you like writing to music, others don’t. It usually depends for me. It has to be the right music at the right time or I won’t be able to focus. Sometimes I can listen to whatever and it won’t affect how I channel the story. But typically, I rely on music to help me figure out what my characters are feeling and provide the right mindset to write particular scenes (e.g. action, calm, emotional, etc.)

What I want to know is whether you guys write to music and how does it affect your writing? Does it improve it, make it easier, more fun, etc.? If you don't what are your opinions? Let's get both sides involved in this mini discussion. :D

My own playlists vary for project to project, but I have a few favorite groups that make it at least once in every playlist I compile for my story.

My favorite channel for all-around writing is HDSounDI on YouTube. They have amazing compilations of instrumental music for every writing situation possible. My favorite playlist is "Most Beautiful Music Ever," but the others are also gorgeous. Plus they have lovely artwork that sometimes helps me come up with unwanted plot bunnies that have nothing to do with the project at hand....oops.

I also love scores, especially The Maze Runner score and Time (Hans Zimmer) from Inception. I used the Maze Runner score to help me write my NaNoWriMo 2017 project. Time is tucked away, ready for use on some random, intense action scene. ;)

Now since we’re talking about Hans Zimmer, I gotta say that both the Plant Earth II score and the Blue Planet II score are absolutely breathtaking. Totally recommend those for fantasy and/or spec fic.

For lyrics, I usually only use those if I’m writing something remotely modern. On my Divided playlist, I have Shots (Imagine Dragons), Hall of Fame (The Script) and several others that I listened to on repeat while I wrote it. I’ll probably listen to it nonstop again during edits (eesh *dies*).

What do you listen to? I think everyone has their own ways to focus when writing, and maybe you jump genres like I do, or maybe you listen to the same playlist over and over. Do you use music to warm up, stretch your creative muscles before jumping in? This post is basically all questions, LOL, but take a seat, grab a cup of lemonade and a scone, and let's have a chat.
Do you like to listen to music while you write? What do you like to listen to? Have you heard any of the music on here? Any recommendations? How does music help you be productive?


*All images from Google, except the first one. Screenshot credit @myself.*


  1. Oh, boy. For me, it depends. During some scenes, music really helps to set the tone for what’s happening. On the flip side, I have to be careful what I’m listening to, because if I’m listening to a happy song during a fight scene . . . well, let’s just say things could get interesting. ;)

    As for types of music I listen to, I mostly tune in to movie soundtracks. Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Marvel, Harry Potter, and Rise of the Guardians are really good ones. I’m also listening to Abbiee's writer soundtracks on Spotify.

    Great post! I always like hearing about this topic, because there are so many different answers.

    1. I can only guess what would happen! 😂😂 It sounds epic, though!

      Ooooh, it never ocurred to me to try out the HP score. I love the Narnia sountrack too, but I get waaay too caught up in that one to write efficiently. XD

      I know! It’s great to hear what everyone has to say. Thanks for your input!!

  2. Oooh, I love scores a lot as well! I also like listening to Panic! at the Disco, Fall out Boy, and my playlist for my Wip while writing.

    Fun post! 😊

    1. I’ve never listened to Panic! but I have a lot of friends who speak highly of them. Having a playlist for your project is always a good idea.

      Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! :D


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