Why I Write

Wild Pennings is officially published! Several lovely ladies helped me out with launching it—Carol @Peeking Through a Kaleidoscope, Mirra @Colours Beyond Dreams, and my sister Danielle @Near But Far. Special thanks to y'all!! Your posts were amazing and I appreciate the help so much. Check out their gorgeous blogs to see what they wrote about in regards to Wild Pennings.

So, to kick off this blog, I thought I'd talk a bit about why I write.

taken from unsplash.com
Writing is important to me. I didn't realize that until I was older, but I've always kept a journal or a blog. When I was younger I used to come up with dramatics I produced with my dolls in my bedroom. My brother would tell me stories about dinosaurs and ships and animals. They excited my imagination so much, that when I was ten I started to try writing my own novel called "Rosebush Island", about a group of people who lived on a rock isle in caves. I still have the first chapters. My writing ability had started to blossom.

When I was in a hard place, trying to let go of something that was one half of me, my dad said, "You like writing, don't you?" I was participating in NaNoWriMo that month, and all of a sudden it dawned on me that yes, I did like writing. I liked it enough to pressure myself to write 30K words in 31 days. Maybe writing is the other half of me that needs to be discovered.  

And I don't know if I love writing, but I definitely like it enough to start this blog. I like it enough to push myself to share it with you, something that is really hard for me. I like it enough to learn about it, and practice it, and sit down at my desk and type out the thoughts spinning through my head.

I have a million stories in my mind and only I can tell them the way they are meant to be told. 

My stories are my way of expressing the feelings bottled up inside me. I'm not very good at speaking, but when I write, my words flow out of my so freely that it leaves me breathless. And to cultivate that art is a gift from God. It's a way of getting people to listen to me. No one is there to interrupt my words when they're on paper or screen, and as they read, they just hear words. My words. And they think about them. And just maybe it will make some sort of change in them. Maybe a flicker of insight, or a feeling of being able to relate to the characters, or just peace and calm.

And that's why I write. I want to share my thoughts with people in a way that can help them. Because as writers, we hold the power to make people feel things that they may never feel or don't feel often enough. We spread powerful messages through written masterpieces that could last for centuries—in paper or in the minds of people. Isn't that a beautiful thought? I think it is. My thoughts and feelings can be preserved for centuries. For centuries, my thoughts and feelings could possibly help people. That is why I write.

Why do you write?



  1. I write because I want to entertain people, take them on adventures, and show them the world through someone else's eyes.

    Great post, Nicole!


Feel free to rant, fangirl, flail, squeal, etc. and I'll get back to you with just as much enthusiasm! I always reply, so check back often. Please keep your language cuss-free and no taking the Lord's name in vain. Thanks for stopping by! :)
