TAGGED: Voted most likely... || with the casts of Divided and Secret Project #9874946735

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, Snapper nominated me for the "Voted most likely tag" with my lovely little OC's. Seeing as it's due time for a post, I now present it to you with my answers. 

1. Thank the blogger who tagged you.
Thank you so much, Danielle!

2. Include this link.

3. Use your own lovely Original Characters (OC’s); don’t use a friend’s characters or characters from your favorite fandom. They can be from any project, so long as you created them. For more fun, try to use as many different characters as possible.

4. Tag at least five lovely bloggers to play along!

Most likely to become a poet

Maia, one of my characters from Secret Project, is really into earth and Chinese literature, so probably her since she loves that kind of stuff. I feel like she would adopt Japanese haiku as her style.

Most likely to dance in the rain

Grace (Divided) would probably dance in the rain for a while, get soaked, catch pneumonia, and still do it again a week after her recovery. She'd also be most likely to bring a rain-stick the next time for good measure.

Most likely to look good in a kilt

Let's face it: most private school uniform skirts look like kilts anyway, so of course Grace would win this. If we're talking guys, you couldn't pay a single one of my characters to wear a kilt. Except maybe Maia's special man, but that's not saying he'd look good in it.

Most likely to get punched in the face

Kay, the main character from Secret Project™. She'd probably get punched because, well, it's kind of her job to not get punched, but it's impossible to keep a perfect punch-free streak.

Most likely to drop everything and become a shepherd

Grace. She loves all things animals, so if someone offered her an internship at an Irish wool farm, of course she would be hands down committed. Bonus points for being able to escape school for a few months.

Most likely to be found in a library

What bookish boy other than dear Sir. William Davies? He's hopelessly in love with learning. You'd be able to find him in the nonfiction section, Dewey Decimal range 110 (metaphysics), or secretly perusing the popular science magazines for pictures of himself and his accomplishments. *rolls eyes*

Most likely to sleep through an earthquake

Will, of course. He gets so little sleep he could probably nap for thirty-six hours straight even with Grace jabbering in his ear.

Most likely to steal food from other people's plates

Grace does it all the time—I'm surprised Ginger hasn't chopped her hand off with a spoon yet. *scribbles an attempt into the manuscript*

Most likely to say "oops" after setting something on fire

Grace. *sigh* This child needs help.

Most likely to open an orphanage

Maia would probably do this. Children are just precious to her and she can't stand to see anyone without their family. She'd probably take in all the stray cats, too, and make them pets to her orphans.

Most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse

Kay, probably, but I feel like Hyrum (another character in Secret Project™) could make it pretty far. Even Ginger might have adequate survival skills. She'd definitely make it farther than Grace, haha.

Most likely to fake their own death

Nian, a central character in Secret Project™, could be a close contender, but I feel like in a contest Grace would do it better. It would be profusely dramatic.

Most likely to die and haunt friends

Ginger would never let Will forget his most embarrassing moments. She would plague Grace with guilt and force her to remember all her miniscule trespasses like picking food off her plate and inflating her credit card debt (which Grace would show little if any remorse for).

Most likely to get tagged:

Wow I really need to stop being so lazy to tag people. But I need to follow more blogs. So answer this question in the comments, drop me your blog link, and I'll tag you. If you know someone who would love to do this, drop me THEIR link and I will tag them in your place!
Would you dance in the rain?

 So update time: I have a couple of posts in the works, so hopefully I'll be posting those soon. Also I've been getting better at driving! My mom took me through a roundabout today and I nearly died but it's all good now. And I've been looking for a job. I'm applying at a Chick-fil-a today and hopefully they like me enough to call me back this time. Otherwise, my summer has been chipper. The sun is shining, I've been to the pool twice (water is still too cold), and I registered early for school which I secretly am excited for. I applied to my dream university and hopefully they accept me. I have like a 60% chance of getting in, but the 40% negative is killing me.

OH, and before I forget, I also got a Goodreads account! Hit me up on there if you'd like to, because I have little to know idea how it works. :D

How have you been so far? How has your summer been? 


  1. Your characters are soooo intriguing! Especially Grace. XD

    Wonderful post!! <3

    1. Thanks, Lila! Grace is definitely a wild child. 😂 I’m glad you enjoyed reading!

  2. Your characters sound like a lot of fun!


Feel free to rant, fangirl, flail, squeal, etc. and I'll get back to you with just as much enthusiasm! I always reply, so check back often. Please keep your language cuss-free and no taking the Lord's name in vain. Thanks for stopping by! :)
