And Thus Arrives NaNoWriMo... *dies*'s November. That means writing. A lot of writing.

Who am I kidding?! I'm totally pumped!! *wails* So today I'll be talking a bit more about my project, prep stuff, word count goals, and other fun stuff. If you read my other NaNo/Camp NaNo posts on WBW then you know the drill. You also know that I am a sneaky conniving creature eager to cheat NaNo and fate itself so I can get my way and succeed in everything. Mwa. Ha. Ha. 😈

The Project:

Title: Shadowskin
Genre: Fantasy
Word count goal: 50,000
Counter word count goal: 35,000

So this story is all about contrast. There's a lot of comparison between light and dark, hot and cold, happy/sad/angry, etc. I like to work with complex characters wow I sound crazy and develop unique story worlds, so this might actually be something worth finishing. I wrote a whole encyclopedia this is not going to waste.

Oh, and if you're wondering, my lower word count goal is with the YWP so if I don't win I still win. #purelogic

Some things I'm trying that are new to me:

- The antagonist is not an active human being! O.o So weird, but it's kind of nice because now I don't have to come ups with a  really depressing back story that made my antagonist bad and then figure out how to make them good in the end. This antagonist is a VILLAIN.

- An MC with waaaaaay to much family drama. But it's chill. She's totally not bitter or anything at her older brother for failing to defend her younger brother in a dire moment. #foreshadowing

- WRITING A WHOLE NEW CULTURE LIKE WHAT?! In the past I've always loosely based my story world cultures on American culture, but I decided to get a little more creative than that. I even invented a whole new language!! Well, the name of a language.

- So many characters are going to die.

NaNo Prep:

The first thing I did was brainstorm LIGHTLY. If I get too excited for a story and then suppress myself so I can make the most of my word count, I lose interest in the idea. So I only brainstormed the basics: characters, setting, general plot line, themes. I spent a few days on this.

The second thing I did was to develop the story world. I wrote a whole encyclopedia article from a visitor's POV and looked for aesthetics on Pinterest. I also did this to entertain myself (and honestly, I just really really love my story world so why not) while I waited for November to creep upon me and grasp me in its claws and snap my creativity out of my brain.

After the encyclopedia article was finished I worked on characters!! I wrote profiles (kind of), but basically it was just their moods and back stories. I like to figure out my characters as I write them out. I might have attempted to draw a sketch or two, but honestly they didn't turn out too well. Anyone want to volunteer to art for me? XD

Lastly, I worked on plot. This was going to be last minute, but when I opened my file to start the plotting I guess I accidentally plotted everything already because it was all done. I worked on cleaning things up and working with two POV's instead. Because I'm not much of a planner, but I'm not a pantster either, I only plot and outline the basics and other scenes I already have in my head. I like just enough outline to keep me on track and schedule certain scenes, that way I have enough room to add impromptu sparks of inspiration.

Wow. Really thorough planning. #impressed

And now it's November. So I guess I should go write now...*sneaks out for ice cream*

Oh wait! Here is my NaNoWriMo page, if you want to add me as a writing buddy. I would love to get to know fellow NaNo-ers (because honestly, it's great to fangirl over your own projects and cry over deadlines and encourage each other to make those characters suffer write)! For my previous Camp NaNo cabin-mates—I changed my username to Nicole.Ann so you can actually recognize me. :P

Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? 
What are your projects/goals? 
Are you trying anything new? 
How did you prepare? 
(Did you write an encyclopedia like me? XD)


*featured image made using photo from Unsplash//*



    Shadowskin sounds cool, and wait, you wrote an encyclopedia for it?!?! That's amazing!XD

    1. I HOPE SO!! XD
      Thank you so much! Well, it's kinda an encyclopedia. More of a really long report about the culture, people. etc. complete with aesthetic pics I found on Pinterest. :P


Feel free to rant, fangirl, flail, squeal, etc. and I'll get back to you with just as much enthusiasm! I always reply, so check back often. Please keep your language cuss-free and no taking the Lord's name in vain. Thanks for stopping by! :)
